Clay Lonis – Krav Maga originated in Czechoslovakia in 1930s and was discovered by infamous Imi Lichtenfeld who is also referred to as the “Light Field.” It was developed in response to the brutality inflicted by Nazis government to local Jewish people. Lichtenfeld have thought of means of protecting this people by using certain form of combat that can defend anyone who might be using such technique. Imi continued to purse and perfect the techniques of Krav Maga until he was asked to teach such combat system to both military and law enforcing workforce of Israel. Imi believed that it his destiny to inculcate his knowledge in combat to his people most particularly civilians who are usually the ones that are defenseless.

When Imi Lichtenfeld died, his teachings continued and until now, more and more people have been inclined to Krav Maga as one form of martial arts.

Krav Maga literally means contact combat or close combat. It makes user of hands in controlling the opponent’s attacks. It includes special forms of grappling, wrestling, and striking techniques. Since its introduction to the world of martial arts, it has been developed to become the deadliest and brutal means of counter-attack and for that, it has been highly taught to elite military forces all over the world.

Krav Maga actually uses different methods of Asian martial arts, incorporated into one technique that is why every blows and punch using this Krav Maga is very powerful and strong. The philosophy governing this form of martial arts focuses on neutralizing the opponents and using simultaneously both offensive and defensive techniques. In this way you will leave the opponent defenseless, while you are taking all the chance of defeating him. There are wide varieties of organizations using this technique to mention are the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI, SWAT, NYPD, IDP Special forces, Mossad, and USA special operations forces. Krav Maga has become internationally famous and almost everyone has already been attracted to learning this form of combat.

The basic principles governing Krav Maga include the following; first, a counter attack is needed as you perceive that the opponent is almost ready to attack you. It is called the preemptive counter-attack. Secondly, your blows, punches or any attacks for that matter should concentrate and focus on the weakest body parts of your opponent, where they are most like vulnerable such as the knee, groin, jaw or chin, throat, eyes, and so many other more. Thirdly, the most efficient way of neutralizing your opponent is taking him down before he does the first blow, you can either break some of his joints to cease him from moving or you can directly break his bone to completely immobilize him. Finally, aside from looking at your opponent, you need to observe your surroundings and environment for any possible threat or other attackers that might just jump on you.

Clay Lonis